The Perfect Blend- Vendor Spotlight

Wood-fire Roasted Coffee Company!

We never miss a chance to spill the beans when is comes one of our favorite vendors- Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company! Owner Tim Curry cares deeply about the art of coffee and bringing an amazing experience to all caffeine enthusiasts.
Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company, with their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, was our first collaboration in preparation for opening Two Chicks. Their centuries old wood-fire roasting process creates rich and complex flavors that are simply unparalleled. We feel very lucky to serve our own proprietary blend at Two Chicks!
Back in 2014, we sat together for an afternoon of tasting, tweaking, and tasting again until we all agreed on a flavor profile that felt true to us as a brand and also upheld Tim’s old-world standards. The Two Chicks Blend is described as, “Deep, rich, and full flavored. Notes of dark chocolate and caramel”, and it truly is our favorite cup of coffee.
Every month we purchase over 800 pounds of coffee between our two locations that we use not only for classic hot coffee, but also to make our cold brew concentrate for our cocktails! What is your favorite way to enjoy your Two Chicks Blend coffee?

Visit Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Company’s website to learn more about our favorite caffeinators!


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